Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019


Finnish Folk Music Institute organizes the Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019: The impact of Unesco nominations on community-based safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – experiences and practices

The seminar takes place Saturday 13.7.19 as a part of the Living Heritage Special Programme of the 52nd Kaustinen Folk Music Festival, 8.–14.7.2019.

The seminar’s aim is to elaborate the role and impact of Unesco’s lists of intangible cultural heritage in safeguarding cultural heritage. What effect have nominations brought to practitioners in different Baltic and Nordic countries? What ways are there to promote good safeguarding practices? What role might NGOs take in the process? What kinds of threats or downsides are there in following the safeguarding framework of the convention?

In the seminar we’ll hear presentations reflecting different ICH elements from Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia and Finland. For detailed information see the seminar page.

Photo: The Suiti bagpipe and dance group.