Kaustinen ICH Academy 2025


Kaustinen ICH (intangible cultural heritage) Academy program 8.–12.7.2025 (Tuesday–Saturday) is aimed at both Finnish and international students, researchers and others interested in folk music and heritage studies. The program includes presentations by experts and researchers from Finland, and other countries with various points of view on safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. The Academy program is part of Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 7.-13.7. 2025.

Kaustinen Fiddle Playing, inscribed at 2021 into UNESCO’s representative list of ICH of the humanity, is presented by local practitioners and local ICH experts through practical examples and in different contexts. The international speakers are practitioners and experts in the field and come from Georgia, Slovakia, Switzerland, North Macedonia, Estonia, Italy, the United States, etc. The Academy program is free of charge and open to all. he working language is English.

Kaustinen ICH Academy is organized in collaboration with University of the Arts Helsinki and Centria University of Applied Sciences.
Daily lectures from TUE to FRI 14.00–17.00

Lectures by experienced experts and practitioners about safeguarding intangible cultural heritage and folk music and dance. What is ICH? How does community based safeguarding work in practice? What kind of musical traditions can be found around the world? Who can define the value and the need of safeguarding?

In addition in the program there are musical lectures by local practitioners and ICH experts about “Kaustinen fiddle playing and related expressions and practices”. What is Kaustinen style playing? What is the historical background of the tradition and how has UNESCO list inscription affected Kaustinen’s life? Insights from inside!

Three seminars organized in english:

WED 11.30–13.30 ICH North – passing on our musical traditions
THU 11.30–13.30 Digital Innovations and Safeguarding Intangible Heritage
SAT 11.00–13.30 Kaustinen ICH Seminar 2025: Migration, music and resilience


Alongside the academy program, participants will have the opportunity to explore living heritage in practice through both local and international folk music and folk dance workshops. Workshops are organized in different stages at the festival area throughout the festival week and partly require a purchase of the festival entrance ticket.

Tickets to Kaustinen Folk Music Festival can be purchased in advance or at gate, see https://kaustinen.net/en/tickets/.
However, all Academy program events happen at free of charge area, thus purchasing an entry ticket to the festival is not obligatory.