In 2023, the Sheritage-project, funded by Eramus+ and hosted by the Finnish Folk Music Institute will organise exchange visits for the members of the Nordic-Baltic intangible cultural heritage network.
Exchange programme for Nordic and Baltic network on Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)
You can apply to go on a visit via Nordic and Baltic network on Intangible Cultural Heritage in order to exchange and share good practices on community involvement in the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH).
ICH exchange activities include funding for three visits, where a person working on safeguarding ICH in the Nordic or Baltic region will travel to a minimum of two-day period to another organization working with living heritage. The visit is possible to organize also online (see more in financing).
See previous exchange experiences from the years 2021–2022 Safeguardingpractices.com.
How to apply
As a member of the network you can apply to go for a visit by filling out an electronic application below. The potential hosts and destinations in the Nordic and Baltic regions are:
1. Storytelling Network of Kronoberg (Sweden), www.sagobygden.se
2. Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation (Latvia), www.suitunovads.lv
3. Finnish Folk Music Institute (Finland), www.kansanmusiikki-instituutti.fi/en
Visitors: Please find the application form here
Application deadline is 15 May 2023.
After the application deadline, the participating organisations will select the members of the network for visits. Interdisciplinary visits will be encouraged and given priority, for the purpose of searching for general ICH methodology for community involvement across different domains.
All applicants will be informed of the results before the end of May.
Time period
The time period for the visits is between June and October 2023 (Final dates for the visits are agreed between the host and the expert).
Recommended visiting times:
Storytelling Network of Kronoberg :
– 8–10 September , Cultural heritage days, special program is the Museum of Legends
Suiti Cultural Heritage Foundation:
– 27 August, Suiti Crafts Day
– 29–30 September St. Michael’s festival
Finnish Folk Music Institute:
– 8–9 June, Diversity of Music Heritage -symposium
– 10–16 July, Kaustinen Folk Music Festival
– October week 40, no specific ICH happenings
If you have questions, please contact Outi Valo (outi.valo@kaustinen.fi).
The exchange of information is possible to organize in the host’s position or online via virtual meetings.
Exchange of information by a visit:
The exchange programme covers expenses for members of the network up to 700 euros each. These expenses can consist of travel-expenses, accommodation and meals. All the receipts must be sent with the financial report (the expenses are covered only according to the receipts). Please note, that if the expenses exceed 700 euros, the travelling members need to take care of the rest of the costs themselves. The network member applying for the visit is responsible for purchasing the tickets, accommodation etc. The member is also responsible for travel insurance and all other practical issues and costs.
The hosts present their activities, safeguarding methods and share information related to ICH in their own context, and organize an audience for the visitor to share hers/his experience during the stay.
Online exchange of information:
Due to the work and time that online exchange demands, the programme pays a small fee (230 euros as salary for one person or 350 as an invoice for an organisation) for both the visitor and the host. The exchange participants can agree on the online exchange arrangements among each other. The exchange can include for example video meetings, online concerts or rehearsals related to ICH practices or practitioners. Time used for the online exchange should be similar to a physical one (at least 2 x 4 hours).
Reports from the exchange:
The visitor will make a short report on his/her experiences (1-2 pages) and a short video-interview or a blog writing on the good practice he/she chooses (both travelling and online exchange). Videos are not allowed to include music because of copyright issues. Videos/ blog writings and photographs will be later added to the safeguardingpractices.com webpage and/or to Epale, Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe. This will further enrich the diversity of the practices showcased in the webpage and spread information on elements of intangible cultural heritage in the region and their safeguarding both to practitioners, experts and the general public. After the exchanges the project can organise Europass Mobility documents for those, who would prefer it in their work, studies etc.
If the member of the network makes the visit by travelling, he/she is required to make after the visit an expense invoice that specifies his/her travel expenses clearly. All receipts must be attached to the expense invoice and only travel-expenses, accommodation and meals are covered until 700 euros.
Not yet a member of the network?
The exchange programme is organised by the Erasmus+ project ”Sharing intangible cultural heritage in Nordic and Baltic Region (SHERITAGE)”. Project has received EU funding for all communications. The European Commission is not responsible for the content of this publication. More information about the Erasmus+ programme: www.oph.fi/erasmusplus