Ongoing projects:
The Digital Dimension of the Network of UNESCO Cultural Spaces
(Digit ICH, 2024–2027)
The main objective of the project is to promote the training of adult educators and heritage practitioners working with intangible cultural heritage and to develop innovative digital solutions for the protection and presentation of intangible cultural heritage. The project involves partners from nine countries: Croatia, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Italy, Latvia, North Macedonia, Portugal and Slovakia. Funding: EU/Erasmus+. See main partner's project page.
Aineetonta elinvoimaa (2024–2025)
The aim of the project is to increase the skills in operating internationally among the actors in the Pirityiset leader group region in relation to increasing ability to exploit the region's reputation as an intangible cultural heritage site, which has been boosted by the inscription of Kaustinen fiddle playing tradition in UNESCO's list of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The project is divided into five work packages, consisting of development activities targeting businesses, associations and public sector actors, the development of the project promoter's international intangible cultural heritage expertise and the elaboration of a regional strategy for the internationalisation of intangible cultural heritage. Funding EU/Pirityiset Leader.
Amplifying Heritage (2023–2024)
Through Finnish-Nepali-Mauritius partnership, the project contributes to local and global understandings of traditional music practices, their contemporary artistic possibilities, and their contribution to non-formal and formal music education practices locally and globally from the perspective of cultural and social sustainability.
ICH North – passing on our musical heritage (2023–2025)
The project with seven Nordic partner organizations strengthens the role of musical intangible cultural heritage in the Interreg Aurora region covering northern Finland, Sweden and Norway. In the work packages of the project, a map application of the region's musical cultural heritage and ways to utilize the region's music archives are developed in community-based way, teaching and training materials are produced, cultural heritage entrepreneurship is developed, and an open online course on musical cultural heritage known as a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) is built. The main Finnish partner of the project is Centria University of Applied Sciences. Funding: EU / Interreg Aurora, Finland's national counter-financing Lapin Liitto. To the project webpage.
Intangible cultural heritarge research program (2022-2024)
The project plans and pilots new activities and operative models supported by Unesco listing of Kaustinen fiddle playing and the various networks that have arisen from it. The project's measures are divided into two mutually supportive work packages: the province of living heritage and the development of a research network. Funding: Central Ostrobothnia Fund of the Finnish Cultural Foundation.
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