Promoting folk music and dance since 1974
The Finnish Folk Music Institute aims to advance Finnish folk music and folk dance. Our main activities include research, field recording, archiving, publishing, education and museum work as well as influencing through cultural politics. The Finnish Folk Music Institute is an accredited expert organization of the Unesco Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. Our premises are situated in the Folk Arts Centre in Kaustinen, Finland.
Archive and Library
Our archive is the largest Finnish archive focused on folk music and dance.
Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Finnish Folk Music Institute was the first Finnish organization to be accredited as an advisory organization for the Unesco convention of intangible cultural heritage.
Konsta Jylhä Competition
Folk music competition for small ensembles
7.-8.7.2025 Pelimannitalo, Kaustinen
The Finnish Folk Instrument Museum
The main exhibition "Kaustinen Fiddle Playing - A Living Heritage", exhibits the musical heritage of Kaustinen and its surroundings.
The Finnish Folk Music Institure is the largest Finnish publisher of folk music books and records.
Living the Heritage -podcast
The podcast series Living the Heritage offers perspectives on themes of intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development and how these current topics are intertwined. How can cultural diversity be cultivated and safeguarded from generation to generation?
Living the Heritage -podcast
The podcast series Living the Heritage offers perspectives on themes of intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development and how these current topics are intertwined. How can cultural diversity be cultivated and safeguarded from generation to generation?
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