Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar focuses on sustainable development Culture Goal


The fourth international Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar Culture 2030 Campaign – global impact through community actions on 13 July will focus on the inclusion of culture in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The seminar is part of the new, week-long Kaustinen ICH Academy programme.

The current UN Agenda 2030 lacks a cultural goal, which is widely perceived as a major shortcoming. The importance of culture in achieving the SDGs has been recognised in the UN General Assembly Declaration, but in the absence of a "dedicated box", the full potential of culture has not been realised. To amend this in the future agenda for action, the global Culture Goal 2030 campaign has been running for years. Earlier this year a national campaign was also launched in Finland.

The seminar will offer insights on the role of the Culture Goal in the pursuit of sustainable development, as well as practical examples of the role of living heritage and musical traditions in implementing the culture goal at community level. Martin Sundin , director of ISOF, the organisation responsible for the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Sweden, will present Swedish experiences on the potential of intangible cultural heritage to contribute to sustainable development. John Crowley, kulttuuritavoitekampanjan keskeinen taustahahmo aiemmin Unescon palveluksessa ja nykyisin kestävän kehityksen konsulttina, taustoittaa kampanjan päämääriä. Kulta ry:n yhteiskuntasuhdevastaava Annika Lyytikäinen esittelee Suomen kansallista kampanjaa, professori Markku Wilenius kertoo kestävyysajattelun tulevaisuuskuvista ja Museoviraston erikoisasiantuntija Leena Marsio , senior advisor at Finnish Heritage Agency, will present the practical pilot projects carried out under the international Livind project, in which measures to safeguard intangible cultural heritage also support sustainable development. The day will be summed up in a panel discussion.

The seminar will take place as a part of Kaustinen Folk Music Festival on Saturday 13 July at 11.00–13.30 (Finnish summer time, UTC +3) in the Kaustinen Hall of the Folk Art Centre. The seminar is free of charge. The seminar will also be streamed live on the Finnish Folk Music Institute's Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@kansanmusiikki-instituutti898/streams.The seminar language is English. The seminar is organised in cooperation with Finnish Folk Music Institute, Kulta ry and Kaustinen Folk Music Festival.

Kaustinen ICH Seminar 2024: Culture 2030 Campaign – global impact through community actions


11.00 Musiikkia, Antti Paalanen ystävineen

11.10 Matti Hakamäki: Welcoming words

11.15 Martin Sundin: UNESCO 2003 Convention and sustainable development

11.30 John Crowley: Why we need a culture as a standalone SDG?

12.00 Musiikkia, Kaustisen Näppärit

12.10 Markku Wilenius: The Role of Culture in the Future of Sustainability

12.20 Annika Lyytikäinen: Culture Goal 2030 Campaign Finland

12.30 Leena Marsio: Livind project – Practical experiences from the field of ICH and sustainability

12.45 Paneelikeskustelu

13.30 Closing remarks


John Crowley, chairman & CEO, PHGD Group

Matti Hakamäki, director, Finnish Folk Music Institute

Annika Lyytikäinen, head of public affairs, Kulta ry

Leena Marsio, senior advisor, Finnish Heritage Agency

Martin Sundin, general director, Institutet för språk och folkminnen

Markku Wilenius, professori, Turun Yliopisto